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卡纳塔克邦的纳加尔霍雷国家公园,印度 (© Vivek BR/Shutterstock) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2023-01-30

2023-01-30 | 13 views
卡纳塔克邦的纳加尔霍雷国家公园,印度 (© Vivek BR/Shutterstock) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2023-01-30
/tmp/UploadBetaPkhAYV [Bing Everyday Wall Paper 2023-01-30] url =

File Size (KB): 325 KB
Last Modified: January 30 2023 00:00:01

位于阿伯费尔迪桦树林中的罗伯特·彭斯雕像, 苏格兰 (© Dennis Barnes/Getty Images) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2023-01-25

2023-01-25 | 13 views
位于阿伯费尔迪桦树林中的罗伯特·彭斯雕像, 苏格兰 (© Dennis Barnes/Getty Images) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2023-01-25
/tmp/UploadBetafK7Djj [Bing Everyday Wall Paper 2023-01-25] url =

File Size (KB): 311.84 KB
Last Modified: January 25 2023 00:00:02

Inscription Wall at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, DC (© Ken Howard/Alamy) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2023-01-17

2023-01-17 | 13 views
Inscription Wall at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, DC (© Ken Howard/Alamy) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2023-01-17
/tmp/UploadBetaShHKbt [Bing Everyday Wall Paper 2023-01-17] url =

File Size (KB): 335.17 KB
Last Modified: January 17 2023 00:00:01

穆涅略斯自然保护区,西班牙 (© Andres M. Dominguez/Minden Pictures) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2023-01-17

2023-01-17 | 13 views
穆涅略斯自然保护区,西班牙 (© Andres M. Dominguez/Minden Pictures) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2023-01-17
/tmp/UploadBetaWUDHqs [Bing Everyday Wall Paper 2023-01-17] url =

File Size (KB): 308.25 KB
Last Modified: January 17 2023 00:00:02

南达科他州风洞国家公园的水牛 (© Charlie Summers/Minden Pictures) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2023-01-09

2023-01-09 | 13 views
南达科他州风洞国家公园的水牛 (© Charlie Summers/Minden Pictures) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2023-01-09
/tmp/UploadBetaORTiOs [Bing Everyday Wall Paper 2023-01-09] url =

File Size (KB): 329.45 KB
Last Modified: January 09 2023 00:00:02

白鼬 (Mustela erminea), 上巴伐利亚,德国 (© Konrad Wothe/Minden Pictures) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2023-01-05

2023-01-05 | 13 views
白鼬 (Mustela erminea), 上巴伐利亚,德国 (© Konrad Wothe/Minden Pictures) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2023-01-05
/tmp/UploadBetaYIXG1m [Bing Everyday Wall Paper 2023-01-05] url =

File Size (KB): 328.07 KB
Last Modified: January 05 2023 00:00:02

Der finnische Skispringer Antti Aalto während seines Sprungs bei der Vierschanzentournee in Oberstdorf am 29. Dezember 2020, Bayern (© Adam Pretty/Getty Images) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2022-12-28

2022-12-28 | 13 views
Der finnische Skispringer Antti Aalto während seines Sprungs bei der Vierschanzentournee in Oberstdorf am 29. Dezember 2020, Bayern (© Adam Pretty/Getty Images) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2022-12-28
/tmp/UploadBetaDGYlbV [Bing Everyday Wall Paper 2022-12-28] url =

File Size (KB): 337.08 KB
Last Modified: December 28 2022 00:00:02

ストラスブールのクリスマス, フランス (© Kavalenkava Volha/Alamy) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2022-12-25

2022-12-25 | 13 views
ストラスブールのクリスマス, フランス (© Kavalenkava Volha/Alamy) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2022-12-25
/tmp/UploadBeta4W5E5H [Bing Everyday Wall Paper 2022-12-25] url =

File Size (KB): 336.23 KB
Last Modified: December 25 2022 00:00:10

黑梳山附近的惠斯勒小镇,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 (© VisualCommunications/Getty Images) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2022-12-25

2022-12-25 | 13 views
黑梳山附近的惠斯勒小镇,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 (© VisualCommunications/Getty Images) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2022-12-25
/tmp/UploadBetaiQhZrF [Bing Everyday Wall Paper 2022-12-25] url =

File Size (KB): 332.23 KB
Last Modified: December 25 2022 00:00:09

アマルガ港のクリスマスツリー, 米国 アラスカ (© Mark Kelley/Tandem Stills + Motion) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2022-12-24

2022-12-24 | 13 views
アマルガ港のクリスマスツリー, 米国 アラスカ (© Mark Kelley/Tandem Stills + Motion) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2022-12-24
/tmp/UploadBetaMguPpW [Bing Everyday Wall Paper 2022-12-24] url =

File Size (KB): 266.64 KB
Last Modified: December 24 2022 00:00:02

Great horned owls and a gilded flicker on a saguaro cactus in the Sonoran Desert, Arizona (© John Cancalosi/Minden Pictures) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2022-12-15

2022-12-15 | 13 views
Great horned owls and a gilded flicker on a saguaro cactus in the Sonoran Desert, Arizona (© John Cancalosi/Minden Pictures) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2022-12-15
/tmp/UploadBetaf9Sq85 [Bing Everyday Wall Paper 2022-12-15] url =

File Size (KB): 336.36 KB
Last Modified: December 15 2022 00:00:02

泰根塞山脉Roßstein山顶的景色,德国巴伐利亚州 (© Christian Bäck/eStock Photo) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2022-12-11

2022-12-11 | 13 views
泰根塞山脉Roßstein山顶的景色,德国巴伐利亚州 (© Christian Bäck/eStock Photo) Bing Everyday Wallpaper 2022-12-11
/tmp/UploadBeta2NoTmy [Bing Everyday Wall Paper 2022-12-11] url =

File Size (KB): 333.85 KB
Last Modified: December 11 2022 00:00:09

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